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How Should I Care for My New Same-Day Crown? Dos and Don’ts?

April 1, 2024
Maintaining your new same-day crown demands attention to detail and adherence to specific dos and don'ts. By adhering to these guidelines, you can guarantee the longevity and durability of your same-day crown, preserving both its functionality and aesthetic appeal for years to come. This comprehensive guide will discuss the dos and don'ts of caring for your same-day crown to ensure its longevity and maintain oral health. Let us start this journey toward optimal dental care and lasting oral health.

What Foods Should You Avoid After Getting a Same-Day Crown?

After receiving your same-day crown, it's crucial to be mindful of the foods you consume to prevent damaging the newly placed restoration. Avoiding certain types of foods can help protect the integrity of your crown and minimize the risk of complications. Here are some foods to avoid:
  • Hard and crunchy foods: Hard candies, nuts, and popcorn can exert excessive pressure on your crown, potentially causing it to chip or break.
  • Sticky and chewy foods: Taffy, caramel, and chewing gum can stick to your crown and pull it out of place, leading to dislodgment or damage.
  • Tough meats: Avoid biting directly into tough cuts of meat, such as steak, as they may dislodge or loosen your crown.
  • Ice: Chewing on ice cubes can pose a risk to your same-day crown, as it may cause microfractures or weaken the bond between the crown and your tooth.
  • Acidic and sugary foods: Foods and drinks with acidity, like citrus fruits and soda, may wear down tooth enamel and weaken your crown's strength. Similarly, sugary foods can contribute to tooth decay and compromise the health of your restored tooth.
Avoiding these foods can help protect your new same-day crown and maintain its longevity.

How Long Should You Wait to Chew on a New Same-Day Crown?

After the placement of your same-day crown, it's essential to allow sufficient time for the bonding agent to set fully. Chewing on your crown too soon can disrupt the bonding process and compromise the integrity of the restoration. Here is a general timeline for when it's safe to resume chewing on your new same-day crown:
  • Immediate post-procedure: Avoid chewing on the same-day crown immediately after placement. Stick to consuming soft foods and liquids during the initial 24 hours to ensure the bonding agent sets properly.
  • First few days: As the days progress, gradually reintroduce firmer foods into your diet, starting with softer options like scrambled eggs, mashed potatoes, and yogurt. During this time, refrain from biting directly into hard or crunchy foods.
  • One week post-procedure: After about a week, you can typically resume chewing on your same-day crown with caution. However, remain aware of the foods you eat and avoid excessively hard or sticky foods that could harm the crown.
By following these guidelines, you can help ensure that your new same-day crown bonds remain secure for years.

Is It Okay to Sleep on a Brand-New Same-Day Crown?

While it's generally safe to sleep on your new same-day crown, it's essential to be mindful of your sleeping habits to avoid inadvertently damaging the restoration. Here are some tips for sleeping with a new same-day crown:
  • Use a supportive pillow: Choose a supportive pillow that maintains your head and neck in a neutral position while you sleep. This can reduce the likelihood of putting pressure on your crown while you rest.
  • Avoid sleeping on your face: Avoid sleeping directly on your face, as this can exert pressure on your crown and potentially cause it to become dislodged or damaged.
  • Consider a nightguard: If you have a history of teeth grinding or clenching, think about wearing a nightguard while you sleep. A nightguard can safeguard your crown and prevent excessive wear and tear on your teeth.
  • Be gentle when brushing: When brushing your teeth before bed, be gentle around the crown area to avoid dislodging it. Utilize a soft-bristled toothbrush and brush in gentle, circular motions.
  • Schedule a follow-up appointment: If you experience any discomfort or notice any changes in your crown while sleeping, schedule a follow-up appointment with the same-day crown dentist near you. They can assess the crown and make any necessary adjustments to ensure its comfort and stability.
By adhering to these tips, you can sleep comfortably while safeguarding your new same-day crown.

When Can You Resume Your Normal Oral Hygiene with a New Crown?

Maintaining good oral hygiene is vital for the long-term success of your new same-day crown. However, it's necessary to wait for the appropriate time before resuming your normal oral hygiene routine after crown placement. Here is what you need to know:
  • Immediate post-procedure: After receiving your same-day crown, avoid brushing and flossing around the crown for the first 24 hours to allow the bonding agent to set fully. Instead, rinse your mouth gently with salt water to keep the area clean.
  • First few days: In the days following crown placement, continue to be gentle around the crown area when brushing and flossing. Use a toothbrush with soft bristles, and refrain from exerting excessive pressure on the crown.
  • One week post-procedure: After about a week, you can resume your normal oral hygiene routine, including brushing and flossing around the crown area. Be sure to use gentle, circular motions when brushing and avoid pulling up on the floss to prevent dislodging the crown.
  • Regular dental check-ups: Schedule regular dental check-ups every six months to ensure the health and stability of your crown. Your dentist in Pomona can monitor the condition of the crown and address any issues promptly to prevent complications.
By following these guidelines, you can maintain good oral hygiene and ensure the longevity of your new same-day crown.

How Long Does the Sensitivity Last with a Fresh Same-Day Crown?

It's common to experience some sensitivity after receiving same-day crowns in Pomona, CA, especially in the days immediately following the procedure. This sensitivity is temporary and should subside within a few days to a week as your tooth adjusts to the new restoration. Here are some tips for managing sensitivity after getting a same-day crown:
  • Avoid hot and cold foods: During the initial period of sensitivity, avoid consuming extremely hot or cold foods and beverages, as they can exacerbate discomfort. Opt for lukewarm or room temperature options instead.
  • Use desensitizing toothpaste: Consider using a desensitizing toothpaste designed to alleviate tooth sensitivity. These toothpaste formulations block the transmission of pain signals from the tooth.

What Steps Help a Same-Day Crown Bond Properly and Last Longer?

Proper bonding is crucial for the longevity of your same-day crown. Follow these essential steps:
  • Eating and drinking considerations: Avoid eating or drinking for at least an hour after the crown placement. This allows the bonding agent to set fully.
  • Be mindful of chewing habits: Avoid chewing on hard objects or biting down forcefully, as this can weaken the bond.
  • Schedule regular dental check-ups: Regular check-ups at the dental clinic near you allow your dentist to monitor the condition of your crown and address any issues promptly.
By adhering to these steps, you ensure optimal bonding, maximizing the lifespan of your same-day crown.

Wrapping Up

Caring for your new same-day crown is a partnership between you and Pomona Dental Practice. Following the dos and don'ts outlined in this guide ensures that your crown remains strong, functional, and visually appealing. Remember, our team is dedicated to supporting your journey to a healthy and beautiful smile. If you have any questions or concerns, don't hesitate to reach out. Here's to the longevity of your radiant new smile!